O Most Noble Greening Power

O Most Noble Greening Power

(O nobilissima viriditas)

by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)

Latin Text:

O nobilissima viriditas, 
quae radicas in sole,
et quae in candida serenitate luces in rota,
quam nulla terrena excellentia
tu circumdata es
amplexibus divinorum mysteriorum.Tu rubes ut aurora,
et ardes ut solis flamma

English Translation:

O most noble Greening Power, 
rooted in the sun,
who shine in dazzling serenity in a sphere
that no earthly excellence can comprehend.
You are enclosed
in the embrace of divine mysteries.You blush like the dawn,
and burn like a flame of the sun.

Comment on this poem:

Hildegard grew up among vineyards; among some of the most fruitful and renowned vineyards of Europe. She understand the greening power of God’s creation. Vines love to grow. This time of year, in early June, vineyards of the Rhinegau are bursting all over with viriditas, with God’s greening power, with that natural creative force of God’s making. Hildegard saw in this greening power a parable, a picture in creation of God’s intent for the soul. We are designed by God to grow, to be renewed, to become fruitful. When our lives are rooted in Christ, the true Light of the world (John 8:12), then we too will burst forth with abundance of God’s greening power. The question remains though: where do we focus our energies, our faith, our growth to produce the fruit for which we were made? Lord, cut off even green growing life within me that is not producing Your eternal fruit of love, joy, and peace!